Hello again!
Today I reached Kouchi, after long trip from Oozu. I did something I wanted to do for long time, took a dip in the mountain river on the way.

It was really cold, and refreshing!
Next I went on and on, and the road just got smaller and there was only fields and old houses around; the real countryside! In the rice paddies, there was lots of small water lizards or something..

It started getting dark.. and then it was suddenly really dark. The road was small and steep, and there was lots of curves too. There werent anyone anywhere and I was getting ready to battle boar or whatever that might come from the mountain forests. Finally, I started seeing lights and reaches small town called Doi.

Then, I was thinking about going all the way to Kouchi... Until I saw lights on the riverbed.

I saw few tents there and thought, maybe it's an actual camping site. And it was. So I went down there and started setting up my tent. Although the moon was lighting up the night, someone came with a lamp and asked me to use it. Next, other guy came and asked if I have eaten yet, because they got some boar meat they were gooing to grill. Funny how I was thinking about battling boars and then I end up eating one...
I spent fun evening with everyone, and took this pic in the morning:

I packed up and said goodbyes, everyone waved when I looked down from the bridge.
Then some more pictures.
part of Children's day's festival

Castle in Kouchi

and castle in Oozu

Bye now!
Koi-kalanen: nonni :D oishan se matkaseurakin toisinaan ihan jees. ja hyviä lihoja on kyl ollu! mut toi villikarju oli vissii vähä semmone harvinaisuus. Ainakaan Kobes niitä ei saanu metsästää jos oikeen muistan. Noiki oli sillee et ei voi kertoo mistä ne on sen saanu :D kiitoksia terkuista ja kivaa, että hiace kuvastakin oli iloa! san terkkuja takasin vaan kaikille
Aikast ystävällistä meininkiä siel nipponissa. :o Aattelin ny kommentoida sen takia, mitä skypessä sanoit. :D Ois kyl mielenkiintosta vedellä siel teiksin kans ympäriinsä jo ihan sen takia, että oot syöny joku miljoonaa eri lihaa. Pistä sit matkalaukku täyteen kaikkea villikarjua, et saadaan hyvät grillipileet täällä. Also terkkuja kaikilta nti A-Rstä meiksin porukoihin. Erityisesti isäni sai viihdettä noista pari julkasua takana päin olevista Hiaceista.
Hei Asser, näin viime yönä unta, että tulit kotiin jo nyt. Taitaa olla ikävä...Olipa jännittävä kertomus kuvineen ja ihanan onnellinen loppu.
Turvallista matkaa edelleen ja eikä olekkin hienoa, kun pimeydessä loistaa valo! Rakkat terveiset äiti
Ps. Meillä tehdään keittiöremppaa,