Hi! Let's start with continuation from day 17.
I arrived in Shimabara and cycled towards Nagasaki city. When there was only 16 km left, I thought I was almost there. But starting from there, it was uphill all the way. About 2 km away from the city, it became downhill, but I had to hold mmy breaks all the time..
In Nagasaki, I went to Nagasaki station, because usually netcafe's and bicycle parking are near the station. To my surprise, there was no bicycle parking, and no netcafes. Nagasaki is apparently bit diffrent from other cities in Japan, especially when it comes to bicycles..
Anyways, I just parked my bicycle in front of the netcafe I finally found and had some rest. The next day I went for some sightseeing. The old and new china town. It was raining heavily, so I decided to stay one day more, to climb a nearby mountain, Inasa. So I did, climbed the mountain and stayed one more night in Nagasaki. and yesterday, I left Nagasaki to go back to Kumamoto and onward. on the way I thought I'd go to Unzen, which seemed to be famous for some reason. There were some amazing hot springs there, you could see the steam and smell the sulphur.
There was a risk of being late for the ferry, so I decided to stay at some hotel on the top of the mountain, even though I knew it would be bit expensive.. 6000 yen with Japanese breakfast. and that was cheapest, and most hotels didnt even have rooms for only one person.
Last, I'll give you some pictures.

Eggs boiled in the hot spring.

Now, I'll continue my trip to Kumamoto, and from there towards Shikoku! Bye!
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