Starting this weeks Friday, there is something called "Golden week". Basically it's 4 national holidays in streak combined with weekend so for many people it's 7 day holiday. But alas, next Monday is not a national holiday.. So I'm going to have one lesson. I have no plans yet, though I have to check out some places and go somewhere since it's such long holiday!
I might start uploading video entries (through Youtube) here also.. If I feel like it sometime.
That's all for now, till' next time!
PS. On this morning's lesson, teacher said you can buy 1 TB harddisk for 3000円 nowdays! I need to find out where, definitely not in Finland!
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Sorry for the delay,
and for letting you wait some more. I just came here to tell you that more is to come, when I find some time to write it down. Lot's of pics from Hiroshima incoming!
Also look forward to "pictures uploaded at random places" as I get it to work.
See you later!
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OKay, so few pics from the trip I made to Hiroshima last week. They are not really in chronological order or anything, sorry for that..
Hope you enjoy.
The room at the hostel/hotel. It was unexpectedly quite spacy.
On the trip by bus to Hiroshima, there was few stops at places which reminded me of resting spots in Germany's Autobahns.
In Hiroshima castle's yard: Close-up of a tree that survived the atomic bombing; I think these leaves differ on this branch because of mutations!
Hiroshima castle shrine; childrens crying competition announcement.
Main tower of Hiroshima castle, so small, compared to Osaka and Himeji castles. But still so big.
Hiroshima Peace memorial park; flower festival going on. Those cranes are some kind of symbols of peace.
厳島神社(Itsukushima shrine) in Miyajima. This is the "Ootorii", gate to the shrine, built into sea.
Same as above, but ebb had come.
Some poor boats ashore because of ebb.
HUGE, old tree! and whole bunch of deers! Those deers were everywhere in Miyajima.
"Mysterious" view from Miyajima out to the sea, people collecting some kind of sea alga.
View over Miyajima town, 5-storey pagoda too.
Exactly 100 steps to a small shrine; I counted them as I walked back down.
One of the biggest surprises; Hiroshima station building had same nickname as I do.
This is from the flower festival; Just to show a bit how much people there was.
Street car! (Ratikka!) In Japan, only in Hiroshima I heard.
原爆ドーム(A-bombed dome) at night, spooky isn't it. The atom bomb dropped exploded 600~700 meters above this dome.
You can fix anything with this tape! Even a bridge.
And a view with me in it, taken from the actual Itsukushima shrine.
That's all for now!
Questions to the comments, please!
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Check it out! and keep checking! When I don't have PC access, I will, from time to time, use my phone to upload small entries there!
See ya!
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Sorry, it's been a while since last proper entry.
So, I offer you some pictures from a zoo I visited last week!
Lately I've been living just normal life, like going to university, studying and having fun with people I've met. Nothing special comes to my mind really, but if you wonder about anything, just ask.
and don't forget to check up the random pics. Eventually I will upgrade the system to allow me to write proper entries by my mobile phone, I hope it makes me write some more too.
So, without furtherado, the pictures:
It's a giant panda! Cool, eh?
Sealions or something.. relaxing, like every animal seemed to do. Must be hot for them.
Polar bear! It's got scary claws.
Lynx (ilves), the cat beast of north.
And some close relative to lynx, bobcat.
Lot of monkeys. They all jumped to the grid when someone came and sprinkled water to the flowers/grass.
Rhino! First time I remember seeing one in real life, it was quite amazing animal.
Emus, or something ostrich looking birds from Australia.
Kangaroos! The one in the middle looks like human.
Giraffe! It was trying to eat some leaves, but couldn't reach.. Although on the other side of the cage there was some leaves easily available. Guess the ones on this side tasted better.
Zebra, and someone reflected on a window looking she's near the Zebra.
Another species of panda! I didn't even know this is a panda too.
Llama. Looks real lazy.
Big turtle. Not giant I think, though.
Peacocks, white and colourful. They wouldn't open their feathers no matter what.
The coloured one bit closer, looking like it's going to open it's feathers, but didn't.
and the white one.
Elephant and it's poo. What else is there to say, I don't know.. Elephants sure are big.
Tiger! Wouldn't turn his face no matter how much people knocked on the window... Or maybe exactly for that reason he didn't turn.
Black panther. Looks cool.
That's all for now. Hope you had fun!
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