I'm sorry I haven't updated this blog frequently. I will maybe later make some posts about the time my family spent in Japan. Currently, I'm in Nagano, on ESS summer camp. Todays the second last day. So I thought I'd send some pictures, rather small though... Here goes.
First, some scenery.

Next some random pics..
From campfire

And before morning exercise

That's all for now! Laters!
PS. If you don't see images my bad... I'll fix it later.
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I haven't written anything in a while, but It's only because I've been lazy in that aspect!
So, I'll up some pics I took yesterday at Kyoto university!
The entrance. The name, it relates, of course to the month it's held, but I got the feeling it had something to do with resembling "October fest"...

Next a weird sight of people in kotatsu on tatami in the middle of yard

Then, some general sights

That's all, see ya!
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There were some problems with the server for almost a week, fault of the company I'm renting the server from, they didn't react to my mail until I sent them mail again today.
I'll maybe write more later! anyways, I've been terrible blogger, sorry!
You can expect something interesting in the coming few months I hope though!
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I found nice thingy on the teachers website; a globe that shows where the site has been accessed.
Looks pretty cool! See it on the right side.
get it here:
revolver maps
see you next time!
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It snowed quite much, actually. but it melted fast too. Here some pics:

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