I haven't written anything in a while, but It's only because I've been lazy in that aspect!
So, I'll up some pics I took yesterday at Kyoto university!
The entrance. The name, it relates, of course to the month it's held, but I got the feeling it had something to do with resembling "October fest"...

Next a weird sight of people in kotatsu on tatami in the middle of yard

Then, some general sights

That's all, see ya!
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There were some problems with the server for almost a week, fault of the company I'm renting the server from, they didn't react to my mail until I sent them mail again today.
I'll maybe write more later! anyways, I've been terrible blogger, sorry!
You can expect something interesting in the coming few months I hope though!
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I found nice thingy on the teachers website; a globe that shows where the site has been accessed.
Looks pretty cool! See it on the right side.
get it here:
revolver maps
see you next time!
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It snowed quite much, actually. but it melted fast too. Here some pics:

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And my friends put up a little contest(I didn't participate), because the french fries, any size, were 150 yen.

so they ate about that much. Or more, the contest isn't over yet.. _merica is coming to Japan.
See you next time!
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