First, some nice sakura.. On the way to Hiroshima

Then some stories, I guess?
Day 3, after somehow managing to reach Okayama on day 2, I was ready to move on. I thought I would take it easy and go to a place called "michi no eki" which means like "station of the road"There are quite many of them. My friend had told me you coul put up a tent in there(although i guess you can put your tent up anywhere.. Anyways, it was no good, but I found anothe good spot, put up the tent and slept badly because it was quite cold. The next day it was raining. I made a (bad) decision to continue anyways, and I was really wet. I went forward maybe 20 km that day.. The rest of the I was trying to dry myself. At this point I stayed one night in Fukuyama.
Finally, on the 5th day, I was able to reach Hiroshima. On the way I saw many things, like this abandoned hotel

It was like from Fallout(the game).
Then I saw some vending machines selling fresh vegetables and eggs and so on! Hi-tech farmers?

It was really mountainous on the way to Hiroshima.. The good thing about mountains is that after climbimg it, there's leisurous downhill waiting!
Ok, I guess that's all for those days.
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Ok, Here goes.. First, few more views from the way on Hiroshima!
Mountain top highway

Perfect place for birdnest? the lamp before shop door, of course..

I finally made my way to Hiroshima. From the top of the mountain, it was all downhill. But anyways, I decided to take one days rest and go to a proper hotel too, since I wanted to take bath. Also it was raining on Friday, so I didn't want to go forward.
So on Friday, day 6, I just strolled Hiroshima and rested, and went to an okonomiyaki restaurant again.

It was a small place, and everyone was very nice to me! One guy paid for my food and drinks even. I had much fun there, talking about many many things. Thanks a lot, Doi-san, Masaoka-san, Miyamoto-san!
On day 7, I continued towards Kyuushuu. A bit before Miyajima, someone passed me by bicycle and said hi. I saw he had a lots of stuff too.. So in the next traffic lights I asked where he was coming from. He told me he quit his job 3 weeks ago and left Tohoku and was now going to Miyajima. We travelled together to Miyajima where he took the ferry and I continued forward. Thanks Ryou-san!

The rest is just some random sceneries and a local festival.

OK, That's all! See you again! ^^
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Due to some problems, About half of the stuff was left out.. It's fixed now, enjoy!
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Hi, I'm in coin laundry again.
On day 8, I travelled forward and reached Ube. Here's pictures I took on the way to Ube:

And this is the netcafe I stayed at Ube

On day 9 I went on and finally reached Shimonoseki, city where the passage to Kyuushuu is.I could see Kyuushuu on the way

Then, I found the tunnel. It costs 20 yens to go through by bicycle... kinda funny. Anyways, I went down by elevator, and saw this

The tunnel to Kyuushuu! In the middle, there was border of Fukuoka and Yamaguchi prefectures. So I took my first steps in Kyuushuu in the bottom of the sea...
Last two pictures from Kitakyuushuu. The sun was actually hot red but my camera sucks..

Now I'll continue to Fukuoka!
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I've been in Fukuoka for few days now.. I'll just leave these here for now:

Nice big hotel room for just 3200 yen:

Some "old weapons shop" window

Famous dish of Fukuoka: Motsunabe

Picture with the the customers and owner of the motsunabe restaurant, I'll tell you later more about it maybe

That's all now, See ya!
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